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Spring is just around the corner…

Last year I posted a popular blog with yoga tips for a healthy spring, well I think Spring is just around the corner (I hope!), so thought you might enjoy reading this again.

After the stillness of winter, energy that has been quietly building, is ready to burst out – the trees demonstrate this beautifully.

Spring is very much a time of renewal, fresh opportunities and new beginnings.

So our spring yoga practice is very much about letting go of the heaviness of winter with flowing and dynamic postures and sequences, with a deeper focus on how we breathe to help clear the lungs of that damp winter energy.

Work with Sun sequences, warriors and the vitality sequences to build stamina and shift stagnant energy. Detoxify with twists, triangles and inversions. Open the lungs and clear phlegm (sorry but it needs to be done!) with strong forward and backward bends. Tree pose, pranayama (breathing practice) and meditation will all help you to find / maintain mental clarity and emotional balance at this busy time.

If you like visualisation, you can further support your lungs by imagining them being filled with gentle, healing yellow. Try it! You might even be able to feel your breathing slow down and deepen as your respiratory system thanks you for paying it some attention!

Here are a few other suggestions for staying vital through spring, taken largely from the Ayurvedic system of good health.

  1. Have a sauna to sweat out the impurities.

  2. Body brush to boost the lymphatic system.

  3. Choose a diet that is full of leafy green veg, asparagus, celery, fennel, brocolli and cauliflower, along with herbs and spices such as ginger, parsley, cumin, cinnamon and chilli – these will help to clear excess moisture (and mucus) from the body and also aid elimination.

  4. Eat more grains (try quinoa, barley, millet or corn) and pulses.

  5. Make meals that are warm and light and easy to digest.

  6. Have a go at salt water nasal washing (jala neti) to clear out your sinus passages.

If you would like further information on staying healthy through spring please do come along to our yoga classes, where we are really focussing our Dru Yoga programme on supporting the body through this vibrant season.

Take care, until next time. Ix

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