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Take control of your health



Crocodile Pose

Dru Yoga is a highly effective (and not to mention fun!) way of allowing you to take control of your health and there has been quite a bit of evidence to support this in the press recently.

Here, at Inside Out, we know the power of yoga and we are passionate about sharing this with our students. We have plenty of our own personal stories and many testimonials from students to prove this. Medical broadcaster and practising GP Dr Hilary Jones has even said that…

“Dru Yoga should be available in every GP surgery”

… which is quite an endorsement!

Many of you, I know, saw the recent BBC1 programme “How to beat pain” (May 28th 2012) because you were telling us that essentially they were confirming all the things we tell you about in class, the biggest message being “Move it or lose it!”, particularly when a sore back or stiff aching joints are involved.

The accompanying article in the Radio Times also added “Try to fool your mind into feeling better by keeping it – and your body – on the go. Yoga helps because it combines meditative techniques with exercises to improve flexibility”.

Good advice indeed (now where have I heard that said before….!).

I was also thrilled to see the oldest yoga teacher in the world enter the Guiness Book of Records earlier this year. Tao Porchon-Lynch celebrates her 94th birthday in August and is still teaching regular yoga classes. Yes…94! Suddenly retirement is looking a long way off for me! And I strongly recommend you google her and see what postures she can get into – I don’t mind admitting that she moves effortlessly into one particular asana that I can only dream of!! Now if this lady is not proof that yoga works I don’t know what is.

This has inspired us to create a new course “Take control of your health”, which will be at The Old Silk Mill, Gomersal on Friday mornings 9.45 – 11.15am. We’ll often have 2 tutors (with over 50 years combined yoga experience!) working this class to ensure that you get the most from the session. And because we are properly qualified, trained and experienced we can tailor the practices to suit individual needs. We will be encouraging students to take control of the health and life challenges that affect them. Please note, however, we are not miracle workers (!) and are not an alternative to medical advice, we complement existing health care programmes. So, if this sounds of interest to you please do get in touch.

Unitl next time, when I’ll be blogging the next article in my series about sleep, take care and keep moving. Me…I’ll be keeping busy prepping the next 50 years of lesson plans! Ix



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