If you are wondering what we mean by Real Yoga, or if Dru Yoga is for you, then read on…
Dru Yoga is not the latest fitness trend. We like to think of Dru Yoga as the perfect antidote to modern life. Firmly rooted in traditional yoga values, we teach yoga techniques that have been practised for thousands of years, so you can be confident they work because they’ve stood the test of time! 'Dru’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘still point’. Dru Yoga is the calm in the eye of the storm, guiding us to a state of peace where we are unaffected by the turmoil of the world around us. Using classical yoga postures, sequences, breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques, combined with some unique to Dru practices, such as our Energy Block Release sequences, we help you keep mind, body and soul healthy and in balance. Real Yoga can be practised by everyone, it isn’t about manipulating your body into unnatural shapes! We can modify or progress all our yoga practices to suit all abilities, and as it is totally non-competitive you will feel comfortable stopping at whatever stage is right for you.

You may have noticed that we don’t use models in the photos on our website and social media pages.
We use real people – Inside Out tutors and students to be precise – and we come in all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities! The real people that come to Inside Out definitely want to be involved fully in life, but don’t feel the need to win every race. They want to practice their yoga in a friendly and supportive atmosphere where the only requirement is that you come with a smile and an open mind, no expensive equipment or fancy gym kit needed. Our philosophy at Inside Out, and that of Krishnamacharya (described as the father of modern yoga) is: “If you can breathe you can do yoga”. This embodies what every Inside Yoga class is about – and every lesson is planned with your individual needs in mind. Our students have varied aims for what they want from their yoga. We have students of all ages, abilities and stages in their lives. We have people recommended to join us by their health care practitioner; and those in need of some help with managing every day stress and anxiety. We also help professional rugby league players, triathletes and experienced marathon runners, along with those who are just wanting to improve their fitness and wellbeing. However, one thing they all have in common is that they are real people, wanting to get real results from their yoga. Whatever you want from your yoga we can help you achieve it.

We are a practical bunch at Inside Out, and as such we want to make sure our students get realresults from their Dru Yoga.
Our passion for achieving real results comes from the fact that we know what we do actually works, based firmly on personal experience and from feedback from our students. Every day we are hearing how our classes are benefitting people like you, here are just a few of the ways:
Naturally boosted energy levels
De-stressing, relaxation techniques, improved sleep and reduced anxiety
More flexible joints, with muscles nicely stretched and strengthened
Happy, healthy backs
Improved digestive function
Lower blood pressure
Breathing problems such as asthma significantly improved
Greater clarity and focus
Modern life can sap our energy and cause us stress. Anxiety can play havoc with our digestive system. Back and joint pain seems to be accepted now as part of the normal ageing process. It doesn’t have to be this way, Dru Yoga is a practical and effective tool for good health and wellbeing. A flowing, therapeutic style of yoga, in every session we work on bringing strength flexibility to the spine and joints, building core strength and improving posture. All the systems of our physical body benefit, and as Dru Yoga works holistically we also boost our mental and emotional well-being. Let us know what real results you want to achieve and together we can reach them.
For further information about how you can benefit from one of Isabel's Dru Yoga yoga classes here at Inside Out, or to book yourself a place on one of her online classes; please contact Isabel using the phone and email address below, or simply complete and submit the form.
Inside Out Dru Yoga are based in West Yorkshire, UK where Isabel runs a number of online classes and workshops to suit all abilities.
Isabel's online class schedule can be found here and details about class prices, here.
07951 691302